Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The definition of time out

There are many definitions of "time out" KamBam puts her doll in time out when it is misbehaving. Mandi plays a game called time out with monkey bums. I recently became aware of another definition. As some of you might know, I was involved with a member of the opposite gender. Things were going pretty good and we had been dating for about 4 months. My job requires travel and can be hectic at times. I didn't think it was fair to this female for me to be so unstable. We mutually agreed to take a "time out" to get both of our lives in order. I thought we had every intention of getting back together. How young and naive of me. Here definition of "time out" is hooking up with some other guy four days after our conversation. Nice. So now I'm in a permanent time out but my mom still loves me.