Friday, August 8, 2008

Sweat It Out

I'm laying down the gauntlet. It's time for all of us to drop some weight. I came to this realization the other day when my boss was in town. Every time he is here, we go out to eat at least once a day most of the time twice a day. This is so nasty. So this is my challenge to everybody: let lose those pesky five pounds (or more if you so desire) in the next 30 days. It shouldn't be that tough. Quit sneaking treats and eat something healthy instead. Do some sort of exercise, maybe taming wild mustangs or just walking for a few minutes every day. I'll bet we will all feel better. Do something everyday even if you don't feel like it. I will post periodically to report on what I'm doing. My first goal is to switch out my Hostest cupcakes for breakfast with a banana.


Brandon and Brittany said...'re calling me fat?! Thanks, Clint. Just kidding. I'm on board.