Sunday, November 30, 2008

Two Belly-Button Rolls

Thanksgiving at the Bowen house was an interesting experience to say the least. Mandi made a fabulous dinner with help from my mom. She made these awesome huge rolls so we could have big turkey sandwiches. You know how you have to press your finger to make the two halves of the roll stay together during baking, well these rolls required a two finger touch because of their enormity. Kam Bam made peach jell-0 because what is Thanksgiving without jell-o. Cooper made chaos. That kid wouldn't stop. Between all the cookies, spinach dip, and karate chopping he never slowed down. You can't really understand what he is saying but he would ramble on forever about who knows what. The Bam and I even make turkey hats for everybody. Thats just the way we "roll"


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Happy Belated Thanksgiving, Clinton. You make fine headbands.

Ande said...

That is an awesome hat Clinton. Seriouisly.