Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Tax This "Change"

Lately I've been working on my tax return. Growing up, I always heard how bad tax season was and I could never figure out what the big deal was. Just get somebody else to do it and quit complaining. Now I realize why we have Freedom of Speech. This stuff is tragic. It isn't the time involved because I can get mine done pretty quick. Instead it is the realization that being a single, white, unmarried, male is quite possibly the worst tax fate a person can suffer. I literally have to chug a gallon of Pepto in order to even glance at me W-2. How is it that the government can take 40 percent of what I earn and tell me its my patriotic duty? I feel my duty involves a 9 iron, a bucket of marshmallow cream, and Joe Biden's back hair. So buck up all you tax jockeys out there. Just think, with Obama in charge now, we will no longer have to pay taxes and we will receive a shipment of alpaca fur twice a month to cuddle up in and daydream about how great government is. "Change", I love it.

By the way, that humongous stimulus check we all got last year, oh yeah you have to report it.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Clinton, there's only solution: get yourself lots of dependents. It's an Obama-proof solution.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

You do realize this post is two weeks old, right? You do realize we're waiting for more wisdom from that money-maker face of yours, right?