Wednesday, February 27, 2008

My Busy Niece

I've decided to put together a collection of responses my niece gives when it comes to talking on the phone. Let me preface this by saying she is her own person. She does things her own way. Usually her response is a simple no with no reasoning behind it. However, I've called before to talk with her only to get the response "I'm full." Apparently too much food affects her desire to talk. She has responded to her grandma's request to talk with "I can't, I'm relaxing." Grandpa has heard "I already talked with Clinty today." She has a quota of phone talk and once its been met, sorry. Brandon and Brittany reminded me of their favorite "I've got to go. I've got someone on the other line." So if you are lucky enough to speak with the Bam, cherish it because most of the time she is "busy."


Brandon and Brittany said...

Clint, You forgot our personal favorite: "I've got to go, I have someone on the other line."

Brandon and Brittany said...

Clint, the following is a message from Kami. She typed it all by herself: bmlok.j4

The Ostheds said...

Gosh I forgot how hilarious you are! I found your blog through B&B's blog. Now I know I can look at your blog to get a little laugh! Thanks!