Thursday, January 8, 2009

Better Than A Puppy

As many of you know, my sister Mandi recently moved in with me. Since we are both single and "old" in mormon standards we have decided to take a page from the big screen. You may not be aware of my obsession with Anne of Green Gables, I try to keep it underground. Mandi and I were watching AGG on PBS the other day and we've decided to adopt a red-headed orphan. I'm no wizard with kids but it can't be much harder than taking care of a puppy.

Oh and we are going to name the kid Nacho.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Oh ho, this is funny. Cali, Ande and I called you Matthew and Marilla the other day. We are definitely on the same big screen.

Nacho? Don't you mean Nachoe (with an 'e')?

Cali said...


I laughed out loud when I read this (and I'm alone). Most people don't laugh outloud when they're alone... unless it is really funny. My brother Ty and I used to plan on being Matthew and Marilla... I'm afraid I lost the vision. Thanks for carrying the torch. My mom's comment was pretty funny too. Better be Nachoe.
