Thursday, September 4, 2008

Hostile Takeover?

Did you catch Sarah Palin at the GOP convention? Talk about coming out swinging. She was throwing haymakers like she was Ali at the Rumble in the Jungle. I was thoroghly impressed with not only her delivery but her confidence. I honestly didn't know much about her before last week, but after last night I was excited to see the direction the Grand Old Party is headed. My favorite line from the whole speech was "...this is a man who has authored two memoirs but not a single major law or even a reform, not even in the State Senate." Classic. I hope she keeps rural America a priority. This whole election process has been filled with low blows and mud slinging and it is only going to get worse. Hopefully after all is said and done, we will have a president that isn't a puppet for a bunch of tree-hugging liberal hippies.


Neighbor Jane Payne said...

I thought that was a thought-provoking line myself, Clinton.

Hmmmm. Wanna run for office? I'm thinking between your brains and your money-maker everyone would vote for you. Think about it. We could use some upstanding Clintons in office.