Saturday, September 20, 2008

Popular Demand or Charity Case?

I've noticed on my map that I'm quite the global demand. It can't be my atrocious alliteration or literary ineptness so the only thing I can figure is my moneymaker is the culprit. Like I've told so many, its a blessing and a curse. So to all you Bowen Bandwagoneers, where are the ladies? I publish a quarterly plea for a charming companion but it falls on deaf ears. Even those of you who promised to look for a mate tell me you found a few candidates but you can't tell me about them because they are a secret. Secret or non-existent? I'm on to you. You are ashamed you know me. I'll just go stand in the corner with my nose against the wall. Don't worry, I'm getting pretty good at it.


Iowaspuds said...

ineptitude would be a better word to describe it. Unless you want to come out to Iowa, I don't know that I can help out in the Clintniferous dating game.

Neighbor Jane Payne said...

Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. You've got it ALL WRONG Clintniferous. We're not ashamed, we just can't find a long list of women that measure up.