Saturday, March 1, 2008

Everybody loves the fun uncle

I got to go visit Kam, Coop, and Landon today. What an adventure. We played barbies with Kam and dudes with Coop. Dudes are dolls for guys. Much more masculine. There were rides in the tonka truck and overall mayhem. During it all, Landon was fast asleep like a hibernating bear cub. I got to see their new fridge. Kami gave me the tour. Cooper wanted to get on the swingset but it was too cold and wet. That didn't stop him from venturing outside. It took him all of about three seconds to hit the ground and get up looking like the swamp thing. Didn't phase him at all. It took about three more good falls in the mud before he decided to call it quits and go back inside. Kami tried to pawn their dog off on me. She can be very persuasive but I resisted. Besides, they need somebody to clean the food off the floor after Coop destroys his meals in what can only be described as a viscious tornado of food centered around the general area of his mouth (give or take four feet). It was a fabulous day. It made me glad I was an uncle not a parent.