Saturday, March 1, 2008

Single and ready to mingle

Since I'm relatively new with this blogging thing, I'm still trying to get used to technology vernacular. My brother introduced me to "blog stalking." For those of you not as hip and familiar as me, blog stalking is randomly checking out other peoples blogs you may or may not know. I did some stalking of my own and checked out a few people I knew. For the most part they were all within a few years of me. Without fail, every blog was essentially a forum for people to brag about how great their lives were. For example, everybody was a least married and most had kids. They blogged about life and how grateful they were for what they had. Please, spare me. They are all counting on other people they know to check out how fabulously they were doing and be massively jealous. For those of you out there in cyberspace that feel that everybody else is doing great and your life is in shambles know this, its all smoke and mirrors. The only person I know that has a perfect life is me. That is in large part to the fact that I live in a fantasy world and most would describe me as suffering from denial. For all those single people out there like me that don't think we have anything to show for our lives compared to our friends that are married and have kids, keep your chins up. We don't have the aroma of dirty diapers wafting through our places of residence, our definition of a balance diet still consists of Hostess, Pepsi, and Cheetos, and we can make a career move to Mexico to sell that classic children's game "ball in a cup' from a cart in Guadalajara. Plus, if we screw up we can blame it on being immature. If they screw up, somebody might call child services on them.
For all of you who read this and are offended, I'm sorry you take yourself so seriously. Maybe you should be the one to be a street vendor in Oaxaca